Minimalistic – Mix-Shake-Vape 30/60ML – Salted Caramel


French-recipe salted caramel

Natural Aroma, soluble in vegetable glycerin, diluted with propylene glycol in a ratio of VG/PG 50/50

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This is the best salted caramel vape EVER: there is no way of describing it in humbler terms. Salty Caramel not only tastes like god, but also makes demigods of pretty much every liquid it touches. It has an extremely well-defined salty and sweet profile wrapped around a super special, to-die-for caramel layer. Vape it by itself or add some into your ice cream, pastry, tobacco and other liquids… Salty Caramel works miracles, everywhere and every time. An addictive juice to say the least, there is no going back with Salty Caramel. You will be hooked once you’ve tasted that masterly alchemic combination of bittersweet toasty sugar, rich butter, and salt. If a random person asked us to pick a juice, it would be this one!

To be able to vape this liquid it is necessary to mix it properly with a base. Here you will find our VG/PG Bases and Nicotine Boosters.